The Rogers County Wireless Association is an amateur radio club in Northeastern Oklahoma located at Rogers State University in Claremore, OK. Our club has a good mix of amateur extras, general class, and Technicians. We have two repeaters in service at this location, a 70 watt, 70cm Yaesu System Fusion and a 75+ watt, 2-meter repeater. The club is very active and more than likely you will find something of interest. Here are some of our activities we host or help with throughout the year:
Green Country Ham Fest
ARRL VEC testing
Repeater engineering and maintenance
Annual Field Day operations
Ham Rescue - to assist disabled or elderly ham operators with station repairs
Emergency Weather nets/storm spotters
ARES participation
Bike race SAG and safety support
Great Raft Race support
Twice annual club picnic at Claremore lake
FREE Trade and swap on our website
We also have a lot of club members with interests and would be glad to share: HF radio operations, contesting, CW, HF digital modes, VHF/UHF digital modes, Echolink, D-link, DMR digital, Yaesu system fusion, antenna building, radar, and much more.
In January 2018, RCWA was proud to announce the installation of Yaesu's flagship repeater, the DR2X.
Running at a continuous 50 watts, this increases our overall output over previous installations.
Currently, RCWA members have elected to maintain the tradition of our 2m repeater to be an analog output.
Repeater users may transmit into 147.090MHz + analog using a 88.5MHz tone or digital C4FM. The repeater will then transmit all traffic in analog FM regardless of the input modulation. This allows users to take advantage of the benefits of forward error correction and spectral efficiency of C4FM, while ensuring all users have access to, and benefit from, our primary repeater.
RCWA engineering teams are currently studying the output of the system, and determining the need of installing a second stage amplifier to address coverage issues in the edge of the coverage area. Current testing proves coverage is on par with calculated expectations, and we will continue to analyze the RF coverage needs.
At 900' ASL, using a four bay Andrew's folded dipole, this is one of the strongest 2m repeaters in the state
THE RCWA 70cm Repeater features the new Yaesu System Fusion hybrid analog/digital system. This system allows both analog and digital operators to coexist on a single system. Currently our operating mode is "fixed digital".
The repeater will only respond and repeat C4FM digital signals. This repeater is the anchor of the Oklahoma Link Wires-X link.
The repeater frequency is 444.350 + PL 88.5. This repeater is also using a 4 bay folded dipole at 900'asl.
For more information on Wires-X simply click here for instructions!


Atlas Internet provides the internet backhaul and ingest for the OklahomaLink as well as site monitoring and control of the repeater systems

RSU partners with RCWA to provide the tower for the VHF and UHF repeater system in Claremore, OK as well as the support systems.
Consider donating to RSU Public Television or sending a thank you note to RSU TV.