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Meet your RCWA 
Club Officers 

All our club officers are volunteer positions and elected according to the club bylaws. If you are interested in serving an open position or one that will be vacated, email us at for more information!

Club Officers

President: Jeff Smith WX5WDG

First Vice Pres: Jeff Scoville AE5ME

Second Vice Pres: Ray Young K5CFY

Treasurer (Appointed): Dustin Dye AB5C 

Operations Director(Appointed): Dustin Dye AB5C

Trustee (2m): Dallas Shell N5FEE

Trustee (70cm): Jeff Smith WX5WDG

2m Net Coordinator: Ray Young K5CFY

70cm Net Coordinator: Ray Young K5CFY

Web Master (Appointed):Denton Sachs WX5HOG

Judge Advocate (Appointed): Gary Moore KF5XK

Training Officer Jeff Scoville AE5ME 

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