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This is the place to find all things to help you run net control for the RCWA. If you would like to run one of our nets, simply drop us a message on the contact page here and we will get you signed up! We are very thankful for all the volunteer net control operators and we are always looking for more! 

RCWA Net Control Information 

Net Control Announcements Updated 4/8/20

1. The Club meeting time and location has changed. Meetings are the 2nd Saturday of the month. The April meeting will be hosted on Zoom due to the current public health situation. T

2. Club dues renewals have been emailed. If you would like to join RCWA as a new member, please visit and select Membeship in the top menu. 

This is a legacy support page from the old website:

Currently we are hosting the files pertaining to net control and more on the

RCWA File Sharepoint

You can visit that page here

An announcement will be made if the files are migrated to this page at a later date

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